1998-04-29 (Andy Summers)

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1998 04 29 Barcelona backstage Toni Carbo.jpg
a backstage photo - copyright by Toni Carbó
1998 04 29 Barcelona Xavier Martori Vilardebo.jpg
a photo from this day - copyright by Xavier Martori Vilardebó
1998 04 29 ticket.jpg
a ticket for this concert - provided by Miquel
1998 04 29 poster Miquel Martinez.jpg
a poster for this festival - provided by Miquel Martinez
Performance summary
Artist performing: Andy Summers
Tour: 1998 Andy Summers Trio Tour
Venue: Luz de Gas
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: 3000 pesetas

On 1998-04-29, Andy Summers performed at the Luz de Gas in Barcelona, Spain.


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Recording information

There are recordings of both soundcheck and concert.


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See also

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External links



source: ticket, Andy's website, Rhoeckel, poster

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