
From PoliceWiki

2019 07 21 photo Pedro Reis.jpg
a photo from this concert - copyright Pedro Reis
2019 07 21 media pass Rui Bandeira Fotografia.jpg
a media pass for this concert - provided by Rui Bandeira Fotografia
2019 07 21 ticket Nuno Leite.jpg
a ticket for this concert - provided by Nuno Leite
Performance summary
Artist performing: Sting
Tour: 2019 My Songs Tour
Venue: Antiga Seca do Bacalhau (MEO Marés Vivas Festival)
Location: Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 2019-07-21, Sting performed at the Antiga Seca do Bacalhau (MEO Marés Vivas Festival) in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.


Recording information

This section needs more information. Please note if an official or unofficial recording, or recording(s), is known to exist of this performance.


Today the interview and performances on the TV show "Ina's Nacht" from 2019-06-05 were broadcast in Germany.

See also

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External links

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sources: sting.com, Nuno Leite